
The free radical theory of aging

The free radical theory of aging Dr.Denham Herman a scientific researcher who proposed the ' free radical theory of aging ' in the year 1956.according to this theory the process of aging is due to oxidative damage of cell organelles and other cytoplasmic contents by free radicals. intially it was assumed that the free radicals such as ROS(reactive oxygen species) produced during normal respiratory process.The free radical theory got more attention when researchers studied the cause of cancer ,Alzheimer disease,and heart diseases .This theory realises that old age is just another disease,our old age is starting when mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) get damaged by free radicals. 1970s many scientist involved in Reserch related to this theory and in 1980 J.Miquel clearly explained the mitochondrial involvement in the  production of free radicals,the theory is known as mitochondrial theory of free radicals. Cell structure                 ...

Neuro endocrine theory(biological clock) of aging

NEURO ENDOCRINE THEORY OF AGING  According to Neuro endocrine theory the aging process is happening in hypothalamus,pituitary,and thyroid or the in regulatory action of these glands.Vladimer Dilman an internationally renowned endocrinologist put forward this theory in 1968.He found that there is considerable decline in the production of hormones in our body with increasing age,the secretion of thyroid,adrenel cortex,testis (males),ovary (females),pituitary (growth hormone) etc will falls.The production of aminoacids, peptides,monoamines enzymes etc also will is also noted that the functional decline in neurons, Human endocrine system What are the functions of endocrine glands? Endocrine system is a group of glands,which produce most of all important hormones for our body.These hormones controls our growth development,moods,metabolism,reproduction etc. The glands includes Hypothalamus,pituitary,pineal(these3glands situated in brain),thyroid(neck)...

Role of protein on ageing

Protein structure  Role of protein on aging  Protein which controls the length of telomere are telomerase and a protein complex known as shelterin.a new study by Scripps Reserch Institute (TSRI) discovered a new protein named as TZAP (telomeric zinc associated protein)which decrease the length of telomeres by trimming,telomere is the clock of a biological cell,if it's length is too short the cell cannot multiply,a human cell can divide maximum 50 times,if it increase more, our life span may increase considerably. Certain proteins undergo oxidisation which are known to be associated with ageing and some age related diseases,when people turn about 80 approximately half of the bady proteins are damaged due to oxidation,the oxidation occurs because of random chemical degradation,that are associated with convertion of food particles to energy ( metabolism) . Protein's mis foldings are another reason for ageing,when native proteins are synthesised in our cells,whic...

What is protein?

What is protein? Proteins structure Protein is the basic components of living cells,it made of carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen and one or more chain of amino acids.Like carbohydrate and fats protein is a macro nutrient it is commonly available in animal products,eggs, meat, milk,yoghurt etc,it also available in beens, nuts,legumes etc.Proteins makeup 15 % of a person's body weight  According to their structure there are three types of proteins are there,they are fibrous, globular,and membrane.Fibrous proteins forms muscle  fibre, bones,connective tissues and tendons,eg;actin,myosin,karatin.Globular protein is water soluble,they have so many functions in our body such as transporting,catalysing,and regulating ,eg; albumin,alpha globin,hemoglobin etc.  According to their functions proteins are categorised to eight groups,they are hormones, defensive proteins, enzymatic proteins,transport proteins,structural proteins,storage proteins,receptor proteins and contractile protei...

Why we are getting old?

  Why we are getting old? The answer is simple,the 'errors'.The errors that happening during cell multiplication and by the influences of external factors. So many  changes happens in DNA every year,most important one is the shortening of telomeres. A telomere is the tail end of chromosomes.  The free radical theory of -ageing,  which devolved in1950 says that  the reactive oxygen  species(ROS)   produced during mitochondrial functions react with their DNA (mtDNA)  and other cell organelles, makes sever damage and declined mitochondrial functions that leads us to aging. ROS is produced when mitochondria make energy from food particles,when we eat more the mitochondria produce more energy and more ROS also evolved as by product. So having a comparatively limited amount of diet and  anti oxidant rich food,such as green vegetables fruits etc can increase life span.  Old age In the year 1961 an American scientist  L.Hayflick  disco...