Old man + O2 = Young man

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Cellinsight.online Everything about human ageing and related diseases Old man + O2=young man " Old man+O2=Young man" don't laugh I am not kidding you, this is the result of a new research conducted by Scientists from Tele Aviv University and Shamir Medical Center in Israel recently, and published in Aging magazine on 18th november 2020. The scientists claimed that they have managed to reverse the Aging. The scientists used Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber for conducting this experiment. The treatment inside the hyperbaric oxygen chamber is known as hyperbaric Oxygen therapy ( HBOT ). They selected 35 people who where above 64 years of age. Pure oxygen supplied to them inside the chamber, at various atmospheric pressure, They were treated inside the chamber for 90 minutes a day and five days a week, the treatment continued for 3 months. The result was mind blowing, the researchers found that the cellular level changes of the participants were equi...