
Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases An Introduction to Anti-Aging Supplements Anti-aging supplements Aging is natural,but many people maintain youthful vitality by consuming anti-aging supplements . Now a days these supplements are getting wide popularity, as people seak overall wellbeing and vitality. Demand for anti-anging supplements raising as global population ages. Today the anti-aging market projected to reach over 421 billion dollars. Anti-Aging Supplements: Key ingredients. 1. resveratrol : Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound, it can be extracted from grapes, cocoa, blueberries, cranberries,and many fruits and seeds. This compund is antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory,and neuro protective and cardio vascular protective. It also a regulator of glucose and lipids. It protect us from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's etc. It is a best option for heart health and age-related diseases. It also activate c...