Animals who defeated ageing.

Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases Immortal animals Nothing is forever in this world, death is certain, one day it will visit us. But there are some creatures that never die by natural aging process. Human cells are capable of dividing only 50 times, later the cells entered the senescence stage, and this is the exact reason for aging. Any animal which is not experiencing senescence can defeat ageing, today I am going to tell about such types of animals and how they live without the fear of ageing 1. Jelly fish (Turritopsis dohrnii) Immortal jellyfish (Image credit goes to Wikimedia ) Jelly fishes are sea animals, included in the phylum coelenterata (cnideria). Turritopsis dohrnii is a species of jellyfish which is known as immortal jellyfish. Jellyfish reproduce both sexually and asexually.The life cycle consisted of three main stages, planulae,polyps and medusae. fertilized egg give birth to planula. The Planula is the larval stage...