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Human ageing

Cross-linking theory of aging

Old couples Image credit goes to Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases Cross-linking theory The cross-linking theory of aging was proposed in 1942 by Johan Bjorksten. According to this theory Collagen and other proteins undergoing structural changes due to molecular cross linkage (collagen is an important body proteins comprising 30℅ of body proteins) . In the presence of oxygen glucose molecules binding to to proteins and this cross-linked proteins causing damage to cells and tissues resulting in aging. This theory is also called as glycosylation theory of aging.  # Wrinkle and skin changes The cross-linked skin protein collagen  is responsible for wrinkles and skin changes during aging # Tendon stiffening An increased cross-linked collagen is the reason behind tendon stiffening, tendons are connective tissues which connect muscles to bones. a stiff tendon can pass more mechanical energy from muscles to bone but it lose it's elastic prop

Role of protein on ageing

Role of protein on ageing
Protein structure 

Role of protein on aging 

Protein which controls the length of telomere are telomerase and a protein complex known as shelterin.a new study by Scripps Reserch Institute (TSRI) discovered a new protein named as TZAP (telomeric zinc associated protein)which decrease the length of telomeres by trimming,telomere is the clock of a biological cell,if it's length is too short the cell cannot multiply,a human cell can divide maximum 50 times,if it increase more, our life span may increase considerably.
Certain proteins undergo oxidisation which are known to be associated with ageing and some age related diseases,when people turn about 80 approximately half of the bady proteins are damaged due to oxidation,the oxidation occurs because of random chemical degradation,that are associated with convertion of food particles to energy ( metabolism) .
Protein's mis foldings are another reason for ageing,when native proteins are synthesised in our cells,which is in helical(Alfa helical)structure and everything fine,but in some cases the proteins produced are mis folded and which are considered as minimum energy state proteins,these proteins are useless or even toxic.these proteins are insoluble in water,where as good proteins are soluble,these mis folded proteins later form a long lenear aggregate known as amyloid diposit,these deposit causes diseases also,for example Alzheimer's disease.


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